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About us?

Welsys Co SRL is a Costa Rican company of IoT technologies, Smart Cities and high-end electronic security with extensive experience in manufacturing, implementation, maintenance and technical support service in all high-quality equipment using state-of-the-art technology from_cc781905- 5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ Asia,  is backed by a high influence of South Korean technological advances.

   Projects carried out in Costa Rica

Service and installation of an intelligent video surveillance system for the Municipal Police of the Canton of Escazú (2017- to date), managed service, implementation, preventive and corrective maintenance of : 


  •  Video Intelligent surveillance with analytics

  •  Automated and programmable alarm system.

Service and installation of an intelligent video surveillance system for the Municipal Police of the Canton de  Alajuelita  in (2019), managed service, implementation, preventive and corrective maintenance of:

  •  Video Intelligent surveillance with analytics

  •  Automated and programmable alarm system.

Lighting of the Payless Store in Avenida Escazú (2019)

Service and installation of an intelligent Video Surveillance system for the Municipal Police of the Canton of San Antonio de Belén (2020 - to date), managed service, implementation, preventive and corrective maintenance of:

  •  Video Intelligent surveillance with analytics

  •  Automated and programmable alarm system.

Service and installation of an intelligent Video Surveillance system for the Municipal Police of the Canton of Goicochea  (2022 - to date), managed service, implementation, preventive and corrective maintenance of:

  •  Video Intelligent surveillance with analytics

  •  Automated and programmable alarm system.

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